The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (Most graduate schools require the GRE) AMS: Find a graduate program in the mathematical sciences American Mathematical Society, Careers and Education Petersons' Education Superpage Teacher Education Masters Programs in Illinois Order University of Illinois transcripts AcademicsUndergraduate ProgramUndergraduate AdvisingDegree requirementsMathematics & Computer Science MajorAcademic Support/TutoringMerit Workshop ProgramIllinois Geometry LabStudent OrganizationsALEKS PPL Mathematics Assessment ExamProficiency ExaminationsHonors Sequence in MathematicsCareer and Employment ServicesGraduate School InformationUndergraduate Honors & AwardsMathematics AmbassadorsUndergraduate Friday SeminarsUndergraduate Honors, Awards, Scholarships and CompetitionsGraduate ProgramActuarial Science and Risk ManagementCurrently Offered CoursesNetMath Online CoursesStudent Support CenterCourse Information and Restrictions2023 Convocation Information