Summer 2022 had two weeks of camp. 26 rising 8th - 9th grade students attended SIM Camp Epsilon and learned about game theory and number theory. 28 rising 9th - 12th grade students attended SIM Camp Delta, which focused on combinatorics and game theory.
Just like in the previous year, SIM Camp 2021 has two weeks of camp held entirely online. Twenty-five 8th - 10th grade students attended SIM Camp Epsilon and studied problem-solving using graph theory as well as spaces in the eyes of topologists. Twenty-five rising 10th - 12th grade students attended SIM Camp Delta and learned about more advanced spaces and their invariants as well as continued fractions and their wide applications in understanding biological phenomena.
Summer 2020 had two weeks of camp, both held entirely online. Thirty-six 8th - 10th grade students attended SIM Camp Epsilon and learned about classical constructions and set theory as it relates to counting. Nineteen rising 10th - 12th grade students attended SIM Camp Delta and learned about classical constructions and graph theory.
Summer 2019 had two weeks of camp. 22 rising 8th - 9th grade students attended SIM Camp Epsilon and learned about low dimensional topology and cryptography. 28 rising 9th - 12th grade students attended SIM Camp Delta, which focused on number theory and geometry.
Summer 2018 had three weeks of camp. 26 rising 8th - 9th grade students attended SIM Camp Epsilon and learned about game strategies and problem solving techniques. 28 rising 9th - 10th grade students attended SIM Camp Delta, which focused on game strategies and basic set theory. 24 rising 10th - 12th grade students attended the first ever SIM Camp Omega on basic set theory and fractals.
Summer 2017 had two weeks of camp. 23 rising 8th and 9th grade students attended SIM Camp Epsilon and learned about combinatorics and tropical mathematics. 29 rising 9th-12th grade students attended SIM Camp Delta on compass and straightedge constructions and topological invariants.
Summer 2016
In 2016, 21 rising 8th and 9th students students attended the first SIM Camp Epsilon. These students were introduced to cryptology and low dimensional topology. This is the first year we had two weeks of camp, with 19 rising 9th through 12th grade students attended SIM Camp Delta. They explored proofs and coding in non-Euclidean geometry and biomath.
Summer 2015
In 2015, 23 rising 9th through 12th grade students attended the inaugural SIM Camp. SIM Camp introduced students to proofs and applications of math in algebraic topology and number theory. Campers also competed in daily math challenges for prizes. On Friday, Olivia Lee from the Department of Chemistry helped campers see how math relates to chemistry.
Support was provided by:
- Office of Public Engagement, University of Illinois for a Public Engagement Grant
- Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois
- Illinois Geometry Lab, University of Illinois
- Association for Women in Mathematics, University of Illinois
- Dolciani Mathematics Enrichment Grant , Mathematical Association of America
- National Science Foundation , Grant Number DMS-1449269
Please consider donating to the Mathematics Department of Mathematics Outreach fund, which supports our Summer Illinois Math camp and other outreach initiatives. Your support helps our department fulfill Illinois’s land grant mission.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number DMS-1449269.